Ann Arbor, MI | (702) 561-3706


Riding your motorcycle can be tons of fun, but you also have to make sure you're riding safely. To ensure you are staying as safe as possible on the road, use these motorcycle safety tips.

Tips to Make Motorcycle Riding Safer

Riding a motorcycle can be a very fun and liberating experience. With that said, it can also be quite dangerous out on the road for motorcyclists. To stay safe on the road, be sure to use these tips.

Never Leave Your Helmet at Home

Riding a motorcycle can be more dangerous than driving a car because you are much more exposed. You don't have the structure of the car protecting your from other drivers or road dangers, so you have to make sure you keep yourself properly protected. The first step to achieve this is wearing a helmet. No matter what, never leave your helmet at home when riding a motorcycle. It is crucial that you wear one for protection just in case you have an accident. On top of this, your helmet can keep the elements and bugs out of your face so that you can stay focused on the road. Be sure to use a helmet that is DOT certified for the best protection.

Wear the Right Gear

On top of wearing a helmet, you also have to make sure you are wearing the right gear to stay safe. This includes gloves, boots, long pants, and long sleeves, preferably a jacket. The long sleeves and long pants will keep your skin covered and protected. This will not only keep you safe in case of an accident but will also keep you protected from the elements. During the summer, a leather jacket may be too hot, so look for an alternative in a more breathable fabric that will still prevent road burn.

Check Your Motorcycle

Before hitting the road, you want to be sure that your motorcycle is ready for it. This means you should ;have a mental checklist ;so that you're sure all of its parts are at their best. Start by checking your motorcycle's tires and then check the ground around where it's parked for signs of a leak. After this check that your lights work, including your headlights and signals. Test your horn so you're sure it'll work should you need it. After this test your brakes so that you aren't surprised by malfunctioning brakes while already on the road.

Keep your motorcycle in great shape with the help of a ;synthetic oil change in Ann Arbor. To find a great oil for your motorcycle, contact the friendly oil pros at ;AMSOIL Dealer ;Dwight Smith. ;They can even recommend products ;like ;AMSOIL'sINTERCEPTOR® Synthetic 2-Stroke Oil, which is great for your motorcycle's engine. ;You can learn more about their products by giving them a call at ;(702) ;561-3706. You can also place an order by stopping by their ;online ;shop.

Follow the Rules

This may sound like a basic, but it's worth remembering. If you want to stay safe on the road, following the rules of the road is a must. Avoid going over the speed limit, avoid sudden stops, and respect traffic lights and stop signs. This will make sharing the road with other drivers more comfortable and safe. It's also important that you avoid hiding out in the blind spots of other drivers and do your best not to surprise anyone or cut them off. Their reaction time may not be super fast, which just leaves you in danger.

Ride at Your Best

If you know you will be riding your motorcycle, it's important that you're at your absolute best. To start, never drink and ride, even if you think you're fine to ride. If you know you will be drinking, plan to get a ride from someone else. If you're on a long road trip or if the weather is particularly hot, don't be afraid to be take riding breaks. If you get dehydrated or overheat, you can lose your focus and put yourself in danger. If you wear glasses, be sure to wear these on the road so that you don't have trouble seeing the road.

Give ;Your ;Motorcycle ;a ;Synthetic Oil Change in ;Ann Arbor

Keep your motorcycle's engine happy with the help of a ;synthetic oil change in Ann Arbor. Contact the friendly oil pros at ;AMSOIL Dealer, Dwight Smith ;to find great products for your ;motorcycle. ;Give them a call at ;(702) ;561-3706 ;to learn more about their products or to place your order.