Ann Arbor, MI | (702) 561-3706


Your car's battery can have a tougher time performing its duties during the winter or even just staying alive. To help you take better care of your battery this winter, use these simple tips.

How to Care for Your Car Battery in the Winter

It's a well-known fact ;that car batteries have a harder time performing during the winter. After a rough summer, your car battery may not be able to make it through the winter. Luckily, there are plenty of things you can do to ensure your battery is able to make it through the winter. To get this done, use these tips.

Test Your Battery

What many people don't know is that the summer heat can take a real toll on ;their car battery. Once the winter rolls around, your battery may be standing on its last leg. If you're lucky, your battery will show signs of a struggle before it dies out. For example, if your battery has a tough time starting, then this might be a sign that it won't last much longer. Many batteries, however, don't show any signs of a struggle before ultimately dying. Since most batteries last somewhere between three and five years, it's important that you pay attention to it once it's in this range. If you don't know how old your battery is or if you're concerned that your battery may be near its end, now is a good time to get your battery tested. This will let you know if it will make it through the winter.

Keep ;the Connections Clean

Your car's battery sends power to different parts of the car that need it. If something obstructs it from doing this, then your car can struggle as a whole. Because of this, it's important that you ensure nothing is in the way of your battery doing its job properly. When its cables and connections are dirty, this can get in the way and can add even more strain on your battery. To check your battery's connections, pop open your hood and visually inspect the area. Look out for things like corrosion, rust, and dirt that can lead to a bad connection and some struggle. If these are dirty, take your time cleaning them.

Avoid the Cold

Since the cold can add more strain, it's important that you keep your car out of it. This can be a real struggle because winter is cold all the time. If possible, park your car indoors, in the garage or in a covered area. This will help keep it a bit warmer so that it doesn't struggle so much in the morning. If you have to park your car outdoors while you're at work, do your best to park in an area where your car will get some sun. This can help keep it from freezing completely.

Help out your car's battery by ensuring your engine is at its best. Give your car a ;synthetic oil change in Ann Arbor ;to ensure it has an easier time this winter. To find a great oil for your car, ;contact ;AMSOIL Dealer ;Dwight Smith. ;They ;can help you find a great oil by recommending products like ;AMSOIL'sSignature Series 0W-40 Synthetic Motor Oil. ;To learn more about this and their other products, give them a call at ;(702) ;561-3706 ;or stop by their ;online ;shop.

Be Prepared

Finally, since you know the winter cold can negatively affect your car, it's best to be prepared for the worst. Be sure to always carry jumper cables in your car. These should, of course, be in good working order and you should learn how to use them properly. Having them in your car will help cut down on time wasted in the cold should your car's battery die out. You can carry traditional jumper cables in your car or even a mini jump box which can be used to jumpstart your car all on its own. You won't need another driver or roadside assistance to get your car battery back on.

Give Your Car ;a ;Synthetic Oil Change in ;Ann Arbor ;This Winter

Make this winter a great one with the help of a ;synthetic oil change in Ann Arbor. Since synthetic oil can help your engine continue working at its best no matter how cold it gets, now is a great time to give it a chance. To find a great oil for your car, contact the oil pros at ;AMSOIL Dealer, Dwight Smith. ;Give ;their friendly oil pros ;a call at ;(702) ;561-3706 ;to learn more or to place your order.