Ann Arbor, MI | (702) 561-3706

5W-20 100% Synthetic High-Mileage Motor Oil

Product code : HM520QT-EA

  • Unique chemistry for vehicles with over 75,000 miles
  • Boosted detergent and dispersant packageEnhancedanti-wear additives
  • Reduced sludge by 67%, VV demonstrating cleaning power that helps engines last longer and perform better
  • Guaranteed Protection For 12,000 Miles/1-Year1
  • API Licensed
1Normal Service – Up to 12,000 miles or one year, whichever comes first, in personal vehicles not operating under severe service.


Availability and Price subject to AMSOIL stock, visit product's page for updated information.


  • Use AMSOIL 100% Synthetic High-Mileage Motor Oil in applications that require any of the following specifications.

    5W-20 (HM520): API SP SN, SN Plus, SM….; ILSAC GF-6A, GF-5, GF-4…; GM dexos1* Gen 3 (supersedes dexos1 Gen 2 and 6094M); Chrysler MS-6395; Ford WSS-M2C930-A, WSSM2C945-A, WSS-M2C945-B1, WSS-M2C960-A1.

  • AMSOIL 100% Synthetic High-Mileage Motor Oil is compatible with other conventional and synthetic motor oils. Mixing other oils with AMSOIL motor oils, however, will shorten the oil’s life expectancy and reduce its performance benefits. AMSOIL does not support extended drain intervals where oils have been mixed. Aftermarket oil additives are not recommended for use with AMSOIL synthetic motor oils.

  • Normal Service – Up to 12,000 miles or one year, whichever comes first, in personal vehicles not operating under severe service. 
    Severe Service – Follow the severe-service drain interval prescribed by your vehicle manufacturer in your owner’s manual.
  • AMSOIL 100% Synthetic High-Mileage Motor Oil

    Kinematic Viscosity @ 100ºC, cSt 
    (ASTM D445) ............................ 8.8 
    Kinematic Viscosity @ 40ºC, cSt (ASTM D445) ............................ 49.4 
    Viscosity Index (ASTM D2270) ....................................................... 158CCS 
    Viscosity, cP @ (ºC) (ASTM D5293) .............................5191 (-30) 
    Flash Point ºC (ºF) (ASTM D92) ..................................................... 228 
    Fire Point ºC (ºF) (ASTM D92) ........................................................ 242 
    Pour Point ºC (ºF) (ASTM D97) ........................................................-42
    NOACK Volatility, % weight loss (g/100g) (ASTM D5800) ............... 7.7 
    Total Base Number (ASTM D2896) ............................................... 10.0
    HTHS (cP) [ASTM D 5481] ............................................................. 2.8
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